Expanding access to journalism
to empower our community
What is News in Education?
News in Education is a program from The Times-Picayune and The Advocate that provides educational institutions full access to our journalism on digital platforms at a discounted price.
How can my business get involved?
Your tax-deductible contribution to News in Education will go directly toward the setup and full access to all of our published journalism at the institutions you see fit. Your contribution will go solely to the operation of our newsroom.
Will my business be recognized?
Yes. As part of our News in Education sponsorship initiative, we will deploy a year-long media plan detailing the generous contributions made by sponsors on an individual basis.
It’s going great. We use them for current events in most of the grades. We use them in math explaining the stock market. We really appreciate our sponsors for helping bring the newspaper to our classrooms.
I teach special education, and my students are 16-21 years old. Their favorite thing about the newspaper are the weather charts! I have my students use the newspaper to locate and highlight both common and proper nouns, action verbs, linking verbs, and many other skills in grammar. They also briefly summarize articles and share with the class. Of course my boys are always interested in the sports section.
I’ve been a daily reader to keep myself informed in my teaching and have frequently used things I have learned in The Advocate as examples in my history classes. In my business class, I have found stories that I have used to peak the interests of individual students. For example, I have a student interested in a culinary career that spent days investigating the Louisiana Pepper Exchange due to my ability to both read and forward him an Advocate story.
How does News in Education work?
Schools can contact us to apply for NIE enrollment. Access to the websites will be granted to any device on the school or school district’s network via IP address whitelisting. There’s no need to manage individual account logins for users.
Who is eligible for News in Education?
Any K-12 school in Louisiana.